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Required Software and Plugins

DVD driveScran makes use of a number of plugins and programs to enable you to view and listen to different media types including audio, video, 3D virtual reality and documents in PDF format.

To fully experience Scran, you may need to download some or all of these if they are not already installed on your machine. Links to download sites for required software are given below.

Please note that if you are using a networked machine within an institution such as a school, college, university or library it is unlikely that you will be able to download and install software. You should contact your system administrator for help.


We recommend...


QuickTime logo


Required to play Scran video and audio clips in your browser window and view some 3D virtual reality files.

iTunes logo


You can use an MP3 player such as iTunes or Windows Media Player to play Scran audio and video clips which you have downloaded to your own computer.

Windows Media PLayer Logo

Windows Media Player

Shockwave logo


Shockwave is required to play some 3D virtual reality files.

Adobe logo

Adobe Reader

Adobe Reader is required to view PDF documents (including those created with the Create tool.

Adobe logo

Schubert PDF for Mac OS X

The Schubert PDF browser plugin allows Mac OS X users to view PDF files inside the browser window instead of opening them in Acrobat Reader.

Stuffit logo

Stuffit Expander

A file extractor program such as Stuffit Expander is required to unzip some files which you can download from Scran (Pathfinder Packs converted to websites and audio and video files downloaded to your own computer).

Get Firefox

Mozilla Firefox

Scran is best viewed on an up-to-date web browser such as Mozilla Firefox.


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© RGU 2025 | Powered by ScranThe Robert Gordon University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK AB10 1FR