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Help: Navigator

What is it?

The Navigator is a powerful searching tool which helps you locate Scran Pathfinder Packs suitable for a particular curricular area or level.

Using the navigator you can search by curriculum, syllabus, subject, level and subject area.

Where can I find it?

If you can't see a link to the Navigator anywhere on the page, use the navigation menu on the left of your page to select Search then Navigator.


How do I use it?

You will first be asked to choose between the Schools and Library sector.
Choosing Schools or Early Years will allow you to search by curriculum, subject, topic, etc.
Choosing Library will allow you to search by Dewey number and by more general topics.


To use the Navigator you need to operate a series of drop down menus.



To use a drop down menu:

  1. Click on the menu; a list of options will drop down.

  2. Point to the option you want to choose and click again.

Each time you choose an option from a drop-down menu, another one will appear. You can continue to to make choices and narrow your search as far as you like.

At any point, click on Find Resources to show resources which match your choices so far.


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