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Help: Projects

What are they?

Scran receives its images and other records from outside institutions. A Project is a batch of Scran resources sourced from a particular institution or individual.

Projects can be a useful way to locate materials from a particular part of the country and are often a good means of finding a large group of records on a particular theme or topic.

Where can I find them?

If you can't see a link to Projects anywhere on the page, use the navigation menu on the left to select Search then Projects.


On the page which appears you can enter a keyword in the box and click Go to search.


Alternatively, you can use the links above the text box to view only Projects from the UK, only Scottish Projects or view a list of all Projects.


You will be shown a list of Projects matching your search. Click on the title or number of a Project to view it.


How do I use them?

When you click on a Project title or number, you will see a Search Results page displaying all the records in that Project. Click on any item for more detail.


Projects can be a useful way to find more records if you find one records on Scran which you particularly like.

On the record view of any Scran image or file, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the Record Details box. In this box, you can click on Project Description to find out about the project a record belongs to, or View all records in project to see the rest of the records in the Project.


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© RGU 2025 | Powered by ScranThe Robert Gordon University, Schoolhill, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK AB10 1FR